Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Waltzing Summer

... are two words that don't belong together but describe how this piece came to life. It was still summer (which is over now) and I just had to capture my light-hearted sunny feelings about it!
Enjoy listening and don't forget to rate :)

If you can't see or use the embedded flash player, you can still download this file! Beware that some users have to click the player twice; once to focus it and once to click play.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Coping with the past

...is kind of what I do with presenting this file to you. It is the first guitar impro I recorded in the series for this blog, and that was quite a while ago.
Also, the topic behind this music is kind of inspired by things expressed in the title of this post. I hope you like it, don't forget to rate!

If you can't see or use the embedded flash player, you can still download this file!
Beware that some users have to click the player twice; once to focus it and once to click play.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Everyday Invention says Hello!

Hello, everyone! This is me, and this is my brand new blog!
What am I going to post here?
Well, that's fairly easy. I'm a hobby musician, the inspirational type, you know... so from time to time, I get an idea and hit the record button to share it with some of my friends. But since this was kind of eating my email space (although I have gmail and therefor like 7 GB of storage!), so I decided to create this blog to keep all lovers of my inventions - in a musical way - up to date.
My pieces I post here are 98% spontaneous improvisations on my guitar(s), but I also play the piano so maybe there's going to be some of that stuff later. But please don't jugde too hard on my playing :)
After all, I would still be happy to have you guys rate my posts and the songs within with the stars that are below every post's title. Comments are also very welcome!
With this post comes an improvisation with the internal number 3 (I started recently to index the new ones), an experiment on how to transfer melodic ideas through different playing rhythms and patterns. Make sure you stay until 4:00 or so, when the real action begins ;)
I hope you like and enjoy!

If you can't see or use the embedded flash player, you can still download this file!
Beware that some users have to click the player twice; once to focus it and once to click play!